Another bad day at the office for Macc C sees their Division 2 status hanging by a thread. However 3 draws and no wins doesn’t really tell the whole story. PhilCo was inconsolable after failing to execute a planned mate against Dave K and spent most of the night on the phone to the Samaritans having reversed the charges. Tony sliced and diced his opponent Daniel netting a piece before blundering it back only to regain the advantage but allowing a perpetual. Marc also burst through his opponent Paul’s defences grabbing the Queen but at a cost of a Rook and a Knight. With pawns on the board this should have been a win but when the pawns dropped so did any chance of the full point. John played an assured game keeping ice cool in a sub 5 minute finish to secure a draw against Andrew (joint winner of the Stockport Rapidplay minor). David S appeared to be struggling from early on against a tough opponent in Howard H and as for Man with Hat well I’ll be brief. I played the Pirc for a good many years so why do I struggle playing against it? I spectacularly failed to hold the middle of the board, I miscalculated a combination and then was outplayed in the endgame. I thought my endgame was getting better, obviously not. Well played to my opponent Richard who played much better than I and well played to Chorlton who won well despite encountering traffic problems on the way to the Queens Hotel stadium. Onwards and downwards we go and MWH can look forward to some self-flagellation. Now that has brought a smile to Mrs Hat’s face!
The Macc Lads looked to build on their latest win and hopefully start to pick up points and move away from the dropzone. Wilmslow have players on the top boards that we have struggled to match. Man with Hat thought he’d get some help by calling up Magnus who duly turned up. Unfortunately a Fixtures Secretary just happened to be passing and gave me some advice and my not so cunning plan was thwarted. My fears were yet again realised when late replacement Ant misplayed an early combination and ended up a piece down. Trying to win back a knight with a knight is not the easiest of things to do! Yet another win to Kevin 0-1. On board 2, Pete was facing an equally dangerous opponent in Richard who lured Pete’s Queen into his spider’s web. Ensnared with no way out 0-2. John on board 6 was next to fall, beaten by a wily and experienced Robin 0-3. This couldn’t get any worse……….and it didn’t!!!
Marc on Board 5 has had a torrid time this year (as has MWH). Marc had taken a draw in his previous game because he didn’t want to risk another loss and he had another very drawish position here but with steely determination and eyes focussed on the board he rose like a phoenix from the ashes. He knew that nothing less than a win would do. In a gladiatorial display he pressed and pressed and finally delivered the full point 1-3. Next up was my old school pal Tony, playing side by side with Man with Hat just like all those years ago, together again, Last of the Summer Wine and young lives being squandered on this addiction that we share. Tony was absolutely brilliant on the night, slicing and dicing his opponent with deadly accuracy leaving the score 2-3. Yep, you’ve guessed it, it’s time for the baying mob to circle round the board and watch MWH. Now regular readers of this blog will be aware that MWH has an alter ego i.e. Mr Hat. Now he has another – Captain Fantastic. Having messed up the opening (again) he clings on desperately and then counters. With less than 5 minutes on the clock, his opponent blunders and the comeback is complete 3-3.
This team may well go down but if tonight’s performance is anything to go by then it will go down fighting. Well played to everyone involved in this fixture played in excellent spirit. 6 great games and no draws.
NB: Mr + Mrs Hat will be at the Blackpool congress this weekend.
Macclesfield C gain their 1st win of the season and leapfrog above Chorlton into 5th place.
Man With Hat (MWH) swaps his usual pre-match routine for a nostalgic tour of South Manchester Surburbia having come off the Motorway at a different junction. Mr Hat had to ask directions and this is actually allowed under certain conditions i.e. if Mrs Hat is not in the car at the time (A sharp intake of breath from Mrs H). Arriving at the venue 15 minutes late, I was pleasantly surprised to see everybody else sat down and in the right playing order. Thank you Oliver for not starting my clock! I didn’t recognise the bottom 3 boards for Chorlton and figured that they must be the latest of a procession, a seemingly endless flow of talent from the Manchester Club. Joachim was first to finish on board 2 with an agreed draw with the experienced Graham P. A slight plus for us I thought but this was wiped out when Marc on board 5 agreed a draw with Anthony despite being a pawn to the good. `Lost too many endgames this season` explained a sheepish Marc. MWH gleefully accepts his opponent’s piece sacrifice on board 4 then spends all of the game desperately clinging on to his advantage liquidising when possible. A win to MWH who has less than 5 minutes left on the clock. Commiserations to Oliver who played well enough to suggest that he will win soon. Its 2-1 to Macc and John has a pawn majority on board 6 but with a knight each this could take time. How wrong was I? I turned round for a couple of minutes and all of a sudden John has broken through and promoted causing Joel to resign. A team win was now only ½ a point away but well played to the Chorlton rookies who had put up fierce resistance. Our Pete C looked in a solid position against Chorlton’s Peter H on board 3 having 2 bishops to break through a rigid pawn structure. However, drama is never far away when the Macc lads travel and Pete C appeared to be spooked by his opponent’s declaration that he was no longer scoring (less than 5 minutes left). Pete stopped hitting his clock to the horror of Joachim and MWH but eventually he realises and records the best victory of the night. Well played Pete! Ant’s valiant efforts on Board 1 to contain a very strong player in Austin disappeared when Pete’s victory was confirmed.
Chorlton teams are like a box of chocolates – you never know what to expect and the return fixture at the Ranch may be tougher. However it was beaming smiles all round from the Macc Lads who will now go to East Cheshire in better spirits.