Macc C took another beating last night as their Cheshire rivals closed in on the Division 2 title. Macclesfield C are still hanging on grimly to their Division 2 status, not by their own volition but by the inability of others to cut the cord. One last chance on 23rd April and even then it’s out of our hands. Macc C failed to post a game win recording 3 halves and 3 losses for a second consecutive match. Marc was at his brilliant best and infuriating worst. Facing Tudor on board 6 he somehow managed to power his h2 pawn onto g6 but then dropped a piece and in a classic case of chess denial dropped a second minor piece. Perhaps a plume of unnerve gas had found itself into the room. Pete had only just finished shuffling the wood about for a creditable half against Keven and this was matched by Man with Hat who was left frustrated when all the artillery was clattered off down the e-file. A quick look at David’s form for the season (unbeaten in Stockport League) helped numb the pain. Ant was next to finish. Having dropped a piece to Geoffrey on board 2 it was too much even for the king of the swindles 1-3. The prize for tenacity went to Joachim who hung on for his half when it looked like he was going to go 2 pawns down to Paul B the East Cheshire captain then again what do I know! Last to finish was East Cheshire’s top board John who found a way through in an absorbing finish against the animated Francis who threw everything at his opponent. MWH was going to mention that we were out-graded on every board and by a mean average of 21.5 but I thought better of it. As for Mrs Hat, she was less than impressed that I failed to restore the family honour against David who had beaten her some years ago.Well played East Cheshire and good luck for the rest of the season in particular your next match against Marple!
Man with Hat