The club is open for the 2024-2025 season.
It opens from September to May inclusive, meeting every Monday at 7:30pm to 10:30pm, excluding bank holidays. During club nights there will be a variety of chess games being played, from club matches to casual friendlies.
The AGM meeting is held in the first half of the first Monday of September.
We are trialing a new venue for the club nights between the 13th and 20th of January - Broken Cross Club, Fallibroome Rd, Macclesfield SK10 3LA.
There will be more concrete details about venue in the coming days.
New players, beginners or experienced, are always welcome to join and play, whether it's casual games or league chess.
If you are interested, you are welcome to come along to one of our club nights before you decide to join.
For more information, see our Joining the Club page.
For contact details - see contact us page
Subscriptions Currently free for new members and £10 for existing members.