Gauging new players grades is always a challenge at the state of the season, but the
handicap system ensures grades are changed to reflect performance. Simon Darwell is
starting to use his time advantage to good effect, becoming more of a contender for major

There were 10 contestants to start, with Ben Imrye coming after the competition started,
making it 11 total contestants. Ben’s online grade is a lot higher than his old over the board
grade. I have given him a lower grade to start with and his performances will reflect his
adjusted grade going forward.
Newcomer Dan Barnes played well, winning his first 4 games and drawing the last versus
Joachim, to clinch the competition with 4 points.
Joachim started badly with a loss to Tony Brough but stormed back, remaining unbeaten
and taking on Dan in the final round. He need to win this for joint first place but the pressure
got the better of him and the game was drawn.

Geoff Laurance played Tony Brough in the final round and won to secure joint third place with Tony.
Marcus, Ben and Simon also won their final games to also secure joint third places, a five
way tie!
The tournament went well, without any hiccups and everybody (almost) enjoyed the evening.