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The Webmaster/ Tony Soames

The season’s second rapid-play took place downstairs in the Queen’s, our normal clubroom having been taken over by Father Christmas for his Grotto.

This meant squeezing two boards onto one table leaving only just enough room for that vital ingredient, the clock.

Robert arrived suitably attired in his Rudolf kit and the red nose did it as he sailed through the evening with five straight wins and even with the severe handicap he rarely seemed to be in trouble.

It was an unusual pleasure to award joint second place to Tony Lane and Roy Gray who managed to accrue 3.5 points, sometimes skilfully and sometimes with the aid of the great goddess Fortuna.

My commiserations go to Angie, who gracefully drifted through the competition with a smile on her face despite at the completion of each game receiving the score of a UK Eurovision Song entrant. The controller gave two people too many blacks and one two many whites but otherwise he acquitted himself well enough and enjoyed the night.

I am looking forward to the Spring competition, my last in charge, when it would be great to emulate the turnout in strength and numbers that we had last year. It would seem that Robert is determined to get his hands on that cup again.

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Macclesfield Chess Club

The Queen's Hotel, 5 Albert Place, Macclesfield SK11 6JW

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