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Man with Hat

The Macc Lads started their tour of the Stockport & District League on Tuesday 21st Feb. 6 gigs with just the one date back at the ranch on the 10th April. Chorlton were first up, more Glastonbury than the Apollo, but on the road again we were with special thanks to Pete C for driving the tour bus. A big thanks also to Denzil and Ant for playing at short notice especially as they were playing the night before. The Macclesfield club had fielded 4 full teams with 21 boards and 19 different players in a little over 24 hours!

A strong Chorlton cup side had thrashed what was effectively a Macc B side on the Monday and all of their players from that match were eligible for this match against Macc C the following evening. How many though would be watching Champions League football? A cursory glance at the opposition and I was musing that we would probably need to take 2 ½ points from the bottom 3 boards and, having demoted myself several boards, I was counting myself in this equation (see below if you must)!

First to declare was Ant who was struggling for most of the match having dropped a piece early on. The King of Swindles was unable to come back against the experienced Graham P although an audible gasp of relief from the Chorlton player was enough to suggest that he had stumbled rather than sprinted over the line. Denzil then secured a half point against Peter H, the significance of which was not apparent at the time. Man with Hat was happy with his opening but his `plan` and I use that word loosely was not nearly as simple, effective and well executed as his opponents plan so well played Gary J and we’ll move (very) swiftly on. I was still surveying the wreckage of my game when I overheard the Chorlton skipper exclaim `that’s it we’ve lost`! The other 3 games, all close when I last looked, had finished almost simultaneously and all 3 in our favour. No time to feverishly pace up and down, we were done and we’d won again 3 on the spin. PhilCo had a large spatial advantage in the opening and his counter attacking opponent, Phil B’ had done well to come out of it only a pawn down but in a Knight and Bishop endgame PhilCo pressured the Chorlton captain into blundering the game after allowing PhilCo’s knight to fork King and Bishop. PhilCo continues to tap into a rich seam of good form, well played! I didn’t see Marc’s opening, d4 possibly? However I did recognise the board as being in a position that Marc would revel in and I wasn’t too surprised to learn of his victory over Andrew S. 2 ½ points from 3 for Marc since he vacated the top boards so a well played to him. Finally congratulations to Pete C who had too much guile for his youthful opponent, Andrew B, whose rapid grade rise has been noted by this eagle eyed blogger.

The Hat has now gone a long time without a win, seasons have come and gone, grandchildren have grown up and children have not and alas still no win for the Man with Hat. Only Mrs Hat had gone longer without a win but when I returned home I didn’t need to ask how her match that night had concluded as her cheek to cheek smile said it all. If you really know what love is, then it’s all worth living for!

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