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The B team took an unexpectedly lopsided 5-0 loss at the hands of Urmston's B team on Monday. Urmston played very well. On the top board Alex played very solid against Tom's shaky Slav Defense, culminating in an impressive queen trade that exploded the king-side, leaving Tom with an impossible endgame. Marcus had the best chance of a result, but after refusing a draw offer he unfortunately dropped a pawn and played with disadvantage through to the end.

Macclesfield B

0 - 5

Urmston B

Tom Moitié (1674)

0 - 1

Alex Robinson (1676)

Denzil Lobo (1641)

0 - 1

Mark Davis (1599)

Jake Darlington (1559)

0 - 1

Lee O (1572)

Marcus Fothergill (1500)

0 - 1

Huw Davenport (1400)

Dan Barnes (1500)

0 - 1

Paul Wild (1198)

In the Club Championship, Geoff (with the white pieces) and Joachim faced off in a fascinating battle that ultimately resulted in a locked out board, with neither wanting to allow the other to make progress.

Next week Macclesfield will be welcoming Fenton's A team for a match in the NSDCA Division 1.

Tom Moitié

Macclesfield started off their NSDCA Division 1 campaign on Thursday 19th October, with a journey to face Holmes Chapel, who sent out a team of four very capable players. Unfortunately due to unavailability, Macclesfield had to send a much weaker team than usual with two relative newcomers in the team in Marcus and Tom. Non-the-less, Macclesfield put up an excellent fight, and the 4-0 result in the favour of the home side belies four very close fought games.

​Holmes Chapel A

4 - 0


Michael Hancock (2029)

1 - 0

​Geoff Laurence (1708)

Patrick Bennett (1969)

1 - 0

Anthony Brough (1753)

John Turner (1947)

1 - 0

​Tom Moitié (1674)

John Ewens (1938)

1 - 0

Marcus Fothergill (1500)

Macclesfield also kicked off the SDCL Division 1 campain on Wednesday 25th October with a visit to East Cheshire. Marcus provided Macclesfield with the only win of the night on board 6, whilst Carl fought a very strong opponent in FM Alexander Longson for a draw.

East Cheshire A

4 - 2

Macclesfield A

Alexander Longson (2350)

0.5 - 0.5

Carl Gartside (1885)

​Thomas Jones (2028)

1 - 0

Joachim Trier (1816)

Geoffrey Brindle (1976)

0.5 - 0.5

Geoff Laurence (1708)

Jim McKie (1744)

1 - 0

Tom Moitié (1674)

Tudor Rickards (1692)

1 - 0

Denzil Lobo (1641)

Steve McCall (1590)

0 - 1

Marcus Fothergill (1500)

Meanwhile, at the club, Dan started his Pomeroy Cup campaign with a win against Brian, and Tom found a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory against Geoff under some time pressure, kicking off the club championship in earnest.

This week marked the start of the Club Championship and the Pomeroy Cup. It is now up to the players to set about organising their games, and match reports will follow in the coming weeks.

There was no action in the Club Championship, as all of the club's top players were away at Wilmslow playing in the second round of the Charnley Cup.

Match Report - Charnley Cup
Wilmslow had white on odd boards. Denzil quickly forced his opponent to give up his queen to stop a mate and went on to win quickly. The Secretary benefited from his opponent's generosity, setting up Macclesfield with a 2-0 lead. Carl found it tough going on top board, eventually losing a pawn and soon after had to resign. Joachim was merciless in his match, winning pawn after pawn, and when his opponent Colin resigned it was 3-1. Ant was not doing well and looked lost so when team captain John Paul turned down a draw offer it was very worrying. Although he went a pawn down it was a relief when opposite colour bishops forced the half. Ant meanwhile was a rook down but his opponent was short of time and missed some simple wins. Inexplicably his opponent eventually let his clock run down and so Ant took home the "Swindle Of The Evening" award.


1.5 - 4.5


Lamb, H Michael

1 - 0

Gartside, Carl

Moran, Kevin J

0.5 - 0.5

Taylor, John Paul J

Mills, Colin J

0 - 1

Trier, Joachim

Mowat, David

0 - 1

Brough, Anthony RW

Warhurst, Robin

0 - 1

Laurence, Geoff

​Howells, Mark

0 - 1

Lobo, Denzil P

And so Macclesfield progresses to the semi final of the SDCL Charnley Cup, with the future opponent yet to be announced.

Meanwhile at home base, Brian and Marcus kicked off the 2023-24 Pomeroy cup competition, with Marcus besting his experienced opponent, punishing an early mistake.

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Macclesfield Chess Club

The Queen's Hotel, 5 Albert Place, Macclesfield SK11 6JW

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