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Man with Hat


It’s the last club night of the season and MWH feels a strange calling, an allurement too compelling to resist. I don’t have long to wait before Denzil is free and the former Club Rapidplay Champ (before the Buxton mob pitched up) makes light work of defeating me not once, not twice but three times before allowing me a consolation win. Welcome back Denzil! A draw against Club Champion Tony S gives something for MWH to take home to Mrs Hat. Elsewhere it looked like Richard was going to secure at least the half point required to lift the Pomeroy Cup but how wrong was I. The final with David S goes into Extra Time.

So another season passes, a remarkable performance by the `C` team (just thought I’d mention it again) and time to reflect on the should ofs, the could ofs, the what might have beens, the If onlys. Why did I do that? Why didn’t I spend longer on that move? (I had plenty of time)! Why did I spend 2 minutes staring at the board when I had only 1 legal move to make?

The Hat has, in recent seasons, pimped himself out to the Denton Club to play in the Manchester Summer League. This season, for personal reasons too long winded to explain here, I am going to Checksit from Summer Chess. MWH wishes the new Stockport Rapidplay Project every success though and the Hat hopes that the project attracts the volunteers to match the interest and as a wise man who recently sat behind me said `Anything that promotes Chess has to be a good thing`. I

In the Championship Tony Soames defeated Colin Davison with a win and a draw.

In the first game Colin tried the Dutch Defence and play was evenly balanced until White broke through in the centre.

In the second game Tony employed the Sicilian Defence and Colin went into an obscure line. The play was complicated and Colin gave up a piece to set up a strong attack on Black's king. When the complications resolved Black remained the exchange up. In time trouble, refusing a draw by repetition, Colin lost a piece and then Tony lost his extra rook leaving a simple drawn position.

The Pomeroy Cup sees Richard Murphy and David Styles in the final.

In the first game David had White and overpressed his attack, leaving himself with a bishop severely hampered by his own pawns.

In the second game Richard was playing well and threatened to win a piece, to which David responded by inviting complications with the offer of a knight. Richard ran short of time and overlooked an unusual mate.

They will continue with two further games at rapid play rate.

Man with Hat

Last home game of the season (played at Wilmslow). This is now the 4th different venue for the last 4 home games and the Macclesfield Nomads aka Macclesfield C are looking to make it an incredible 9 victories in 10. First to finish was Mrs Hat and regular readers of this blog will know that Mr Hat is neither brave nor stupid and does not comment 0-1. Next an almighty thud that triggered Tsunami alerts across the globe as Marc throws down his King in disgust after ceding the advantage to a strong opponent 0-2. Dave M is having to play accurately to stay in this one as his opponent is peppering him with checks in a double Rook and Queen endgame but it’s the Wilmslow player who makes the error and 20 minutes later its 1-2. Rook and opposite squared Bishops are a recipe for frustration in endgames but David S finished with aplomb. Well played Dave and David! 2-2. Here we go again as the crowd tunes into another episode of `An audience with the Hat`. I now have not only a massive time advantage but an extra Bishop and only a passed pawn wedged into the 6th rank to worry about. Man with Hat makes this nervier than it should have been. When I finally wake up to the fact that I need to sac a pawn to create the play that will activate my pieces my time advantage has been drastically reduced. My opponent’s clock however does run out and although not the most satisfying of ways to win a game, a win is a win and this was my best of the season.

A special thanks to Wilmslow Chess Club for hosting this match as cordial as ever.

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Macclesfield Chess Club

The Queen's Hotel, 5 Albert Place, Macclesfield SK11 6JW

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