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Congratulations to Macclesfield B who, despite losing last night, are now mathematically certain of winning Division 2 due to Altrincham A's defeat at East Cheshire B.

Another significant event at East Cheshire was the Limit League match against Denton, for whom Stan Bradley scored the decisive win in a tense finish, guaranteeing Denton at least a share of the Limit League championship. Macclesfield can share it only if they win their final match 4-0.

The wheels came off the Macc `C` locomotive last night with a 5-1 humbling at the hands off East Cheshire. The preparation for this game was truly horrific. A trickle of absenteeism led to a full blown surging torrent of biblical proportions that crashed the Hat website and caused the emergency hotline to meltdown. A special thanks then to Mrs Hat for stepping in at the last nanosecond.

Mrs H failed to score and Mr Hat is wise not to comment. Second up was Joachim, I thought he was a piece down but complicated but when I next looked a draw had been agreed in what looked to be a double edged game. On board 5 I could hear the clattering of wood synonymous with a David M game and he looked to be winning at one point but alas with little material left Tudor won a bishop and that was that. The other scorer on the night was Marc who continues to play flamboyant unrestricted chess. Looking to avenge a defeat back at the ranch Marc allowed the wily Dave T access behind his advanced lines and a draw was forced. Board 2 and I really do need to sort my move order out. Well played Keven and we move on (swiftly). Man of the match in defeat was Tony Lane. David N had plonked his knight in a square that led to complications all over. Tony’s time advantage was dwindling, a draw offer refused. The baying East Cheshire mob scented blood but Tony picked out combination after combination and David N ran down to 3 seconds on the clock. A second draw offer refused by David N who was insisting on a fight to the death. Tony was a N+3 against N+2 and surely as long as the Knights stay on Tony has at least a draw. In full blitz mode though the knights were exchanged allowing David a passed pawn forcing Tony’s king to move across towards the h file whilst David snaffled Tony’s remaining pawns and also securing safe passage for the final pawn to promote.

This was another match where the valiant warriors of Macc C were heavily outgraded on all boards. Unlike the previous game there was no reward but at least nothing was given to our survival rivals. Next up Chorlton at home and a massive game. Well played East Cheshire and perhaps given the 5-1 scoreline we can expect a blog in return.

Man with Hat

Macc C's unbeaten run continued last night. Despite being heavily outgraded on every board by a mindboggling 198 aggregate and 33 mean average the Macc lads returned with what could be a critical point come the end of the season.

So many trips to the Hyperbole Hypermarket last season that I practically emptied the shelves but this performance was out of this Universe. Man with Hat is not one to go on and on and on but we were heavily outgraded on every board with their lowest graded player 12 points higher than our highest graded etc etc. Having picked Altys pocket back at the ranch, was it too much to hope that we could leave enemy territory with some reward?

The pre-match talk in the Altrincham camp was whether or not we could expect the eagerly awaited clash of Tony Lane v Tony Lane. Alas, not this time as our Tony Lane was unavailable. First to declare on the night was young Tom who was unable to overcome a 50 points grading difference going down to the wily Bill Mac. Most brilliant performance of the night came from Marc who obliterated his opponent`s king-side defences. Marc left the room and came back to see the Alty veteran’s king had been laid down to signal that he knew the inevitability of the next few moves. 1-1 and our Pete offered a draw to Tony Lane (their Tony Lane not ours – keep up Ed). Tony then had a long look at the other boards (wow Alty were taking this seriously for real- some people eh). A draw was agreed. Then the performance of the night from Joachim who overcame a 41 points difference to put us ahead. More games like that and his 95 rating will soon disappear. I had tried to take a peek at the finish of Joachim’s game but ESP dragged me back to my own board where I had a solid position against Reg. Ant had drawn the short straw of the night playing a solid opponent who had already this season accounted for both Man with Hat and the Kool Kat. As Ant’s position slowly worsened I made a draw offer at an appropriate moment that was accepted by the Altrincham skipper.

3-3 and an unexpected point. The dream lives on.

Thanks to Altrincham for 6 great games played in a friendly spirit.

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Macclesfield Chess Club

The Queen's Hotel, 5 Albert Place, Macclesfield SK11 6JW

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