Macclesfield C shot up to second place last night after a thrilling win at the home of neighbours East Cheshire. The Macc lads made the short trip across the county to the East Cheshire Club. Going down those steps and then entering the room feels life you’ve entered the playing arena at Anfield or the Crucible perhaps ( raised eyebrows from Mrs Hat)! The Macc Lads were searching for their first win of the season and Tom on board 5 held onto a ½ against David H in a King & pawn ending, something that he had spectacularly failed to do last time out. A big up for Tom and a battling half point for the team. Well played Tom! Marc on Board 3 was playing Nick someone who has battered Man with Hat twice already this year. Nick was in a much more benevolent mood this time, failing to spot a tactic then dropping a piece before hanging a King + Queen fork. 1½:½ and a well- deserved win for Marc who has been practising hard of late. John A had been told by Francis that he could be in line for the Vic Knox prize (thanks Francis)! Perhaps the weight of expectation was too busy but no, with the fat lady waiting in the wings, Steve McC makes a dreadful blunder and John A makes it a personal 6/6. Its now 2½: ½ and our Tony on board 1 offers a draw that was taken the second time of asking. Opposite coloured squared bishops are notoriously hard to convert but post- match analysis appeared to suggest that Tony may have missed a trick. However, a draw was enough to win the match 3-2 after Man with Hat lost again (well played Paul)! The beauty of being captain is that I can still bask in the glory of my selections should my teammates dig me out. Tom had already gone by the time I left 3 happy smiling cohorts outside the club. This was a good win, we were out-graded on boards 1-4 but we now end the year in joint second place and hot on the heels of pre-season favourites Worsley. A winless streak has now been replaced by optimism, joy, happiness and Christmas cheer. Well played East Cheshire and Seasons greetings from MWH and the long suffering Mrs Hat. God bless us, every one!
The Winter Quick-Play was played on Monday 17th December with 14 competitors in the newly decorated Queen's Hotel, smelling of carpets I was informed by those who know more about the inside of carpet shops than I do.
Despite the enhanced handicap of 2 minutes for every 10 points difference in grades Robert still managed to breeze through with 4.5 out of 5 to take first place alone, only Geoff was able to steal a half point from him.
In joint second place were the two Phils with four points. In the match between this redoubtable duo in the first round Phil Colville was winner and therefore had the more difficult opponents, meeting the two highest graded players. He felled Colin, but succumbed to Robert.
Meanwhile Phil Cattermole worked assiduously to demolish all that stood in his path.
Denzil took fourth place alone, drawing with Colin and losing to Robert.
Lower down there were many exciting and protracted games. The arbiter was not in his element adding two minutes to the clocks of those who faced illegal moves and he has to thank Geoff for helping out with this.
For inter-round entertainment I provided a number of studies for solution, working up from a 2 move mate through 3, 4 and 5 moves mates and one forced draw. Robert was usually the first to work these out but held back with the answer. On one occasion it was Denzil who was the first to come up with the solution, perhaps because it involved a queen sacrifice.
Phil Colville stands at the head of the best of two table at the moment, a point clear of Francis, Denzil and Phil Cattermole.
I look forward with anticipation to the Summer tournament to see if Robert can snatch it away or whether Kieran, James, John-Paul or Anthony might trouble the waters.
Another night of frustration for the C team as they are held yet again. The withdrawal of Marc meant a rare appearance for Mrs Hat. Having arrived early for this contest, Mrs H proceeded to the bar only to discover that the pub only had ½ a bottle of red wine left (she had wanted to order an Industrial Bulk Container)! This was the start of what was to be another disappointing night for the C team warriors. Protocol forbids me from commenting on Mrs Hat’s performance when she loses so I won’t be mentioning it again. Played a good game against a text book Pirc defence only to lose a piece and then when the Ladies came off the board on move 31 it became a straightforward win for Neil D. John was promoted up the order and still managed to win over the vastly experienced Trefor after first winning a pawn and then trading up to an exchange and then a full piece. Again, once the ladies were off the board, a straightforward win and its 1-1 and 5/5 for John. Denzil on top board finished early after the wood was clattered off in quick time. I stared at the final position not able to work it out but it looked to be a gloriously complicated King + Pawns endgame and winning these are always good for the soul if indeed I can remember the feeling. A win for Denzil over David means its 2-1 in our favour. Joachim was playing Neil D and seemed to be locked in a bruising encounter, never any more than a pawn in it and a draw was agreed. The last rites were then read for Man with Hat who was able to skilfully create a passed pawn but it was too little too late. My grading is plummeting faster than the gravity that keeps me from my next home in the sun. Well played to Antony and well played Marple who were heavily out graded on the top 3 boards.