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Minutes of Macclesfield Chess Club AGM 2023

Held At The Silk Trader: 19:30

Present: Ant Brough, Geoff Laurence, John-Paul Taylor, Brian Woodhall, Roy Gray, Simon Darwell, Adrian Green, Tom Moitié, Marcus Fothergill, Denzil Lobo, Joachim Trier, Ben Imrye

Apologies: Jake Darlington, Phil Cattermole

2022 Minutes and Matters Arising: The Secretary noted that the venue change had taken place a few weeks after last year’s AGM

Officers’ Reports

The Chairman had nothing to report.

The Secretary had attended 2 AGMs of the Stockport League and also last year’s fixture’s meeting. He had narrowly failed to get the increments used in league games reduced to 10 secs and reminded everyone why he thought it should be reduced! He had been unable to attend meetings of The North Staffs League. He noted that the trophy for the most improved player had still not been found.

The Treasurer and Membership Secretary reported that over the season the subs collected had amounted to £180. The balance in the account is an healthy £904.44. We have had quite a few new attendees over the last 12 months but some have not stuck with us.

The Website Manager noted that the various pages were updated fairly regularly.

The Tournament Secretary thought the Club Championship and The Pomeroy Cup had been largely successful. Denzil had organised 2 handicapped rapidplays and thus the Pollard Cup was a success. The Secretary’s Quickplay wasn’t finished but a deadline of the end of September will apply. A plan is in place if Daniel and/or Jake are not able to play all their outstanding games.

Presentation Of Trophies: John-Paul Taylor won the club championship; Ant Brough won the Pomeroy Cup; Denzil Lobo won the Pollard Trophy. A suggestion that the Club Championship Trophy be melted down for its silver and replaced with a cheaper one wasn’t taken too seriously!

Venue: The Landlord is leaving in October. However he assured us that we should still be able to play without problem. A few members have reservations about the playing room. The Secretary emphasised that all members should always be active if they came across a better option becoming available. Some rooms are far too expensive of course but we can pay a modest weekly fee.

Number Of Teams and Election Of Captains: The Secretary had asked people to indicate their availability for league chess. The loss of Tony Soames, John Ewens, and John Astley has been a blow and of the 11 positive replies one was reluctant to play North Staffs games and one Stockport Games. After much debate it was hoped to be able to field teams of 6 and 5 in the Stockport League – much would depend on players 5 and 6 on the list being willing to play extra games whenever there was a shortage.

A team has already been entered in the North Staffs league and been asked to play in div 1 again. It will be tough! Phil Cattermole had hoped someone would come forward to take on the North Staffs team captaincy but there were no takers. Phil had said he’d do it for a further season but his work commitments etc are quite severe. Similarly, John-Paul continues as Stockport A captain and Tom Moitié is thanked for taking up the Stockport B team captaincy.

Election Of Other Officers: Much as in previous AGMs, Ant Brough, Geoff Laurence and Roy Gray remain as Chairman, Secretary and Tournament Director, Treasurer and membership Secretary respectively. However Tom Moitié will be taking over as Website Manager as it is very much in his line of work.

Club Competitions: Following discussion, Geoff will send out invitations and see what the numbers are like. He noted that some felt there had been a high number of games to be played last year.

Fixing Of Subscriptions for 2023-24: After discussion it was decided not to charge this season – unless there was a future venue change meaning significant outgoings.

AOB: None

Meeting Closed: 20:59


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Macclesfield Chess Club

The Queen's Hotel, 5 Albert Place, Macclesfield SK11 6JW

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